AI Code Reviews & Bug Fixes

Ellipsis is an AI developer tool that automatically reviews code and fixes bugs on pull requests.

7 Days free trial - No credit card requiredBacked By- Combinatorasicp logo
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Ellipsis help teams ship 13% faster?

Ellipsis catches bugs on PRs before code review
Higher quality of code during peer review
PR's get merged faster

Join The Community

Backed by a coalition of initial supporters, contributors, and enthusiasts.

Dalton Caldwell
Ivan Leo
Bryan Bischof
Stuart Chaney
Jason Liu

This code review startup from YC W24 is getting great buzz from other founders because of how well it actually works @ellipsis_dev
The video embedded on their website explains it pretty well


Dalton Caldwell


Group Partner & Managing Director @ycombinator

We replaced an engineering position I would have paid $60-$90K p/y for with AI.
now automatically:
- Performs code review
- Summarizes PRs
- Suggests updates
- Commits the suggested updates for us

Still early - but this is one of the first AI engineering tools I would be extremely disappointed if we didn't have in our workflow.


Stuart Chaney


Founder/CEO @rivocommerce

My day is made when @ellipsis_dev
sends me a lgtm but when it doesn't it's been surfacing some seriously good suggetions


Ivan Leo(In SF from 20 June - 1 July )


Professional GPT wrapper writer

Today' s Top AI Tools :
1. 🦄 @magichourai is an all-in-one video creation platform that streamlines content production from ideation to production.
2. 🦸‍♀️ @elicitorg analyzes research papers at superhuman speed.
3. ⚙️ @ellipsis_dev reviews pull requests and converts GitHub comments into working , tested code.


The AI Pulse


Building a newsletter that reports the latest AI trends

One thing I like about using the @ellipsis_dev
bot is that I can use GitHub mobile to manage some small feature dev and tasks while I'm on the bus 🤪




Superciliously super silly🐊 Leading AI @_hex_tech

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More than

Ellipsis is an AI teammate capable of answering questions, creating release notes, feature development, and fixing build issues.

  • Smart Code Reviews

    Catch logical mistakes, best practice deviations, and non-idionmatic code

    Float UI
  • Async Code Generation

    Assign work to Ellipsis via GitHub comments, get working, tested code a few minutes later

    Float UI
  • Question & Answers

    Tag @ellipsis - dev with a question, right from a GitHub comment

    Float UI
  • Style Guide-as-code

    Write your style guide in natural language, Ellipsis will flag violations.

    Float UI
  • Customize with Feedback

    Ellipsis learns which types of comments your team values, customizing reviews over time

    Float UI
  • Generate Change Logs

    Create weekly summaries of what's changed in your codebase and why it matters

    Float UI

How Ellipsis Works


Seamlessly integrate Ellipses with your GitHub repositories.


AI scans your PRs, understanding context and code patterns.



Receive intelligent suggestions and catch potential issues early.



Learn from AI insights and enhance your coding practices.


Built with security in mind

Confidence = Trust

We understand that a wrong, confident answer is worse than a non-answer. When Ellipsis is confused, it's explicit about it.

No rogue commits

Ellipsis will never commit code without your explicit permission. You can configure Ellipsis to raise a side-PR so it's changes are clear.


Pay Per Seat

Purchase a fixed number of seats every month. Assign those seats to

developers. Developers then get unlimited use of the product in all repositories.


Unlimited Usage

Per Developer/Month


Start your
Day Free Trial

Free 7-day trial | No credit card required

Installation takes 2 clicks. Uninstall at any time.
We support GitLab, too.